Discover the Power of Content Marketing for your Success

Business Owners
and Brands

I support you with Social Media and Community Management and Brand Building. Finding Content Creators to represent you brand, give creative counselling where needed and manage the workflow from start to finish.


I will help you monetize your content and finding Affiliates and Cooperations that fit you and your vision as well as streamlining the processes around your creative work and management of your accounts and community.


Building a Personal Brand and Content Creation for busy Professionals. Generating income in the New Creator Economy besides your main corporate gig.


Hi my name is Ida and I have been working with Digital Products and Services for the past 10+ years. As a digital native I obviously started coding Websites when I was still in High School and turned it somewhat into a career. For the past 8 years I have been working as a User Experience Designer for different companies in different industries.

Along the way I discovered my love first for photography (Hello Flickr and Myspace) and then video production (First Youtube Channel in 2006).


Bla bla this is just a placeholder

Let's talk

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You can now book a call with me to see how I can support you and how we can work together. The call is a free introduction of both sides usually done in zoom. If you wish to use another tool please let me know beforehand. I am looking forward to talking to you!